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The Global Marketing of Colorism

Skin bleaching, which is the use of dermatological creams, cosmetic creams and homemade products to decrease the melanin in the skin, has become a global phenomenon. Skin bleaching has taken place in the United States, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America.


Today, “international cosmetic companies have embarked on aggressive global marketing of skin bleaching products, including the use of the internet by tapping into the racial and colorized norms and values, and the class and gender differences within White and non-White markets.” Cosmetic companies such as L’Oreal have used their products to equate whiteness with racial superiority and youthfulness, marketing white skin as the ideal skin tone. 



Dangers of Skin Bleaching



Credit: Nadinola Bleaching (Skin Lightening) Cream Advertisement - Ebony Magazine, November, 1960

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